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1951 - 1952 Candid Photos
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Queen of the Kampus and Man of the Year
Social Events of 1951 - 1952
SEPTEMBERThe Students' Council started the Social events off with a “Get Acquainted" dance. Laurie Day and Marina Dance showed us one way to get acquainted but the method is not advised for K.H.S. students!! In order to save money, the Council decided to use records instead of an orchestra. This new Idea received both praise and criticism from the students.
OCTOBERThe Grade X girls decided to initiate themselves Into the Senior High by having a "Plaid Parade." For those who did not appear in plaid shirts, and no make-up, a quick journey to the washroom and a good dunking under the taps was given.
 The orchestra held a dance in the Upper Legion Hall with Leroy Critchfield doing an able job as M.C. Pop, cake and Orchestra enjoyed by all.
NOVEMBEROne of the most successful dances of the year-the GradeXI’s "Kiddies' Bawl" was put on. Everybody, including the teachers joined in on the fun. Besides dancing, teeter-tottering? Farmer-in-the-dell? and skipping? were furthermore done to perfection. This was the first ordinary dance in which outside invitations were and the result was a packed house.
 A Remembrance Day assembly was held with the Students' Council and High School Band doing the major part of the ceremony. Frank Endersby, president, placed a wreath and two minutes' silence was observed.
 A basketball assembly was worked in before the first games of year (K.H.S. vs. Revelstoke) when the Red Devil and Red Angels teams were introduced. Following these games, a dance was organized in the K.A.A. Hall.
DECEMBERPractically everyone voted the teachers' "Hi-Hoe Down" the best dance of the year and/or of many years in the past. This was probably due to the informal way the dance was held and to the wonderful school spirit of the teachers. Their floor-show really exemplified this.
 Senior Matric had its usual rough-and-tumble sleigh-riding party after which the survivors dragged themselves back to Mr. Campbell’s cosy house and comfortable easy-chairs for games, cocoa hot-dogs.
 The day before Christmas holidays, the students gathered in auditorium to enjoy the Christmas programme of carol singing, solos and . . yes, even Santa Claus!
 The Christmas Formal had lovely decorations, good food orchestra but the crowd was scarce. This was probably because extra expenses at that time of year and students being away.
JANUARYAnother dance was held by the orchestra members with Vern Martin's Orchestra doing top honors. Pop and cake were again served. As a result, a considerable amount of money was added to build up the travelling expenses fund.
 Friday, the 25th was "Co-ed Day" and the Red Angels' "Topsy-Turvey" was packed with Junior Highs and Seniors. The main attraction was a pie-throwing contest with Gordie Beecroft being the winner.
 Following the "big" Red Devil vs. Duke of Connaught game, a dance took place in the K.A.A. to cheer up our boys-maybe.
FEBRUARYHey yo' all! Did yo' hear 'bout the Grade 'levens' "Southern Ball?” Stella Camp "can't help lovin' that man" and Trudean Cooper and Hanel Okipski sho' tol' us 'baut that "0l' Man River" in the floor show.
 An Impressive assembly was held in memory of our late King George VI. Members of the Students' Council read about our late King and Future Queen.
 In honor of the California All-Stars, a dance was held In the K.A.A Hall. They had just played the Red Devils on their (the former) tour of B.C. school teams.
MARCH"Spring has sprung-the grass has riz . " Well anyway this suggested the idea for the Grade X's "Spring Fever Frolic." It is certain that no one will forget those spring tonics!
 The "Kajinkas" is girls' night In K.H.S. Skits were presented and Grade X received the cup (no description, please!) for the best for their display of talent(?). Songs were sung and after that everyone trooped down to the Home Ec. lab. to . . . yes, EAT. It was said that Grade's was one of the best for years.
APRILEven if you don't dance it was worthwhile to go to the "HI-Y Hoedown" just for the food, PIE A LA MODE! The floor show consisted of the HI-Y girls singing those good old western tunes.
 Still trying to earn money, the Orchestra had another successful dance during the Easter holidays after its Bottle Drive.
 There was a Grade XI party and the only outspoken comment "Wow, what a party !"
MAYEven If the S.M.s and S.C.s "Comet" wasn't the most packed dance of the year, it was one of the most "entertaining!" Floor-show consisted of Frank Endersby telling that "A Guy is a Guy" and Larry Candido imitated ????? The "Hula Girls" did a "little number" and (Bruce Spencer) showed us the effects of the graduation punch. The main event was the presentation of a wallet to Hugh Sparrow and a necklace to Iona Hudson as they were voted "Man of the Year" an "Queen of the Campus." Jim Thompson was M.C. and the singing of S.M.'s themesong???? was a fitting climax.
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