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1953 - 1954 Club and Team Photos
Student Government

Keith Pattinson
President of the Students' Council

Mr. B. Knowles
Sponsor of the Students' Council

Eleanor Higham
President of the Senior Executive

Vicki Martin
President of the House Cabinet

Brian Fisher
President of the Junior Executive

President's Message

As the term of 1954 draws to a close I am pleased to be afforded this opportunity to thank you one and all for the wonderful support and co-operation you have given the Students' Council during this, our first term of united effort.

This is the first year in the history of Kamloops High School that the Junior and Senior High have united together for the benefit of the school as a whole. The success we have achieved in working together, during the past year is due entirely to the wonderful support the Students' Council has received from all of you.

Those of you who have been elected to student office next year will have, I feel sure, the same support from the members of the staff and students that was ours during the past term, On behalf of the Students' Council, I wish to thank Mr. Gurney, Mr. Richards, Mrs. Elder, Mr. Knowles, Mr. Morse and the office and janitorial staffs for their assistance and guidance, for without it I am sure we would have been unable to fulfill the duties of our offices.

It is difficult for me to say farewell to the many friends it has been my good fortune to make during the past six years and to my fellow members of the Students’ Council whom I have worked with this year. I hope that in drawing up the new constitution and by putting it into force we have established a sound form of student government which will be the basis of strong student government in the years to come

In closing I wish every student of K.H.S. every success in their future endeavors and may Mr. A. N. McMurdo and his K.H.S. Band have a pleasant and rewarding trip and bring back more fame to our school.

Best of luck to the graduates of 1954.
Keith Pattinson

Members of the Students' Council (left to right) — Mrs. Elder, Sponsor of the Senior Executive; Vicki Martin, President of the House Cabinet; Betty Taylor, Secretary of the Senior Executive; Eleanor Higham, President of the Senior Executive; Ted Hanson, Vice-President of the Senior Executive; Mary Ann Dunlop, Junior High Representative; Mr. B. Knowles, Sponsor; Heather Carson, Secretary of Junior Executive; Brian Fisher, President of Junior Executive; Gulchern Singh, Junior High Representative; Mr. J. Morse, Sponsor of Junior High Executive.
Front row (left to right) — Gail Martin, Treasurer of the Students' Council; Keith Pattinson, President of the Students' Council; Una Cameron, Secretary for the Students' Council.

Members of the Senior Executive (left to right) — Mrs. Elder, Senior Executive Sponsor; Laurie Day, President of Fulton House; Eleanor Hewitt, Social Representative; Ted Hanson, Vice-President of the Senior Executive; Dave Heron, Grade 10 Representative; Ethel Fowles Girls’ Sports Representative; June Maki, Treasurer of the Senior Executive; Gerry Richardson, Vice-President Fee House; Kay Strong, Vice-president of Davis House; Betty Taylor, Secretary of Senior Executive; Elinor Higham, President of Senior Executive; Stoney Oishi, Boys' Sports Representative; Alex Drdul, Vice-President of Pearce House.

Members of Junior Executive (left to right) — Marie Wasui, Girls’ Sports; Mary Ann Dunlop, Vice-President of Fee House; Mr. Morse, Sponsor; Jim Freathy, Treasurer; Ralph Kopec, Vice-President of Davis House; Betty Lowden, Vice-President of Pearse House; Heather Carson, Secretary; Elaine Jeffery, Social President; Gulchern Singh, Vice-President; Bin English, Grade 7 Representative; Brian Fisher, President; missing, Wally Wozniuk, Boys' Sports.

Members of House Cabinet (left to right) — Allen Louie, President of Davis House; Gerry Richardson, Vice-President of Fee House; Art Jeffery, president of Pearce House; Laurie Day, President of Fulton House; Iris Young, Vice-President of Fulton House; Kay Strong, Vice-President of Davis House; Betty Lowdon, Vice-President of Pearce House; Rena La Blond, Fee House Representative; Vicky Martin, President of Fee House; Mary Anne Dunlop, Fee House Representative; Margaret Wyse, Pearse House Representative.
Annual Staff

Mr. Howard

Kay Stong

Joan Ellis
Assistant Editor

John Hilliker
Business Manager

Mr. Knapp

Barbara Stephans
Photography Editor

Cave Heron
Boys Sports Editor

Ruth Stockstad
Girls Sports Editor

Janice Thornley
Advertising Manager

Gloria Allen
Social Editor

Jean Pyper   Barbara Howard
Personals - Co-ediors

Jessie Chalmers
Art Editor

Jaqua Howard   Carol Collins
Literary - Co-editors


Our new school has now completed its second year. This year the now more-familiar halls have held the largest grauating class in the history of K.H.S. This class has had the honor of being the first to graduate from our new auditorium.

Our various teams have again brought honor to us. This year more encouragement has been given to Juvenile and Bantam teams — the Red Angels and Red Devils of tomorrow.

We have chosen as our theme, the slogan of our High School Band, "Let's Go Duch, Eh!" As you know, these students will be leaving for Kerkrade, Holland, to participate in the International Music Festival shortly after school classes. The Kampus Staff joins with the whole school in wishing these "Ambassadors" every success. We know that they will make the country they represent proud of them.

As you know, it is the pictures that make an annual a success. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Barbara Stephens, the photography editor for the wonderful job she has done. We should also like to express our appreciation to the staff, to Mr. Gurney, and the sponsors Messrs. Knapp and Howard, for their splendid cooperation without which, the annual could not have been published.

The purpose of this book is to record your activities throughout the year. We hope that we have succeeded in this design.
Kay Strong

  Arline Carter — Dedicating typing.
  Nadeane Haines — Photography.
  Deanna Martin, Louise Sponagle, Glenda Lamb, Audrey Richards, Ann Knowles, Shirley Evans — Personals
  Woto Uyeyama — Advertising
  Una Cameron, Betty Taylor — Typing
  Stewart Nansen, Mary Ann Ellis, and all other who did write-ups to make the '54 Kampus a success.
Mr. McMurdo ... and his High School Band
By Alex Drdul

The Kamloops High School Band, under the direction of Mr. A. N. McMurdo, has become renowned not only through the province of B.C. but also through-out Canada. The Band has won many honors through the past years, of which I shall mention just a few. They have won the B.C. Championship twice; the Yale-Cariboo Music Festival several times, and the Okanagan festival four times. Once they also won the Canadian Intermediate championship at Waterloo. This last mentioned title is the greatest honor ever won by the Band, thus keeping their record of never having been defeated, intact.

All these honors have been entirely due to the wonderful music teacher of Kamloops, Mr. McMurdo. This brilliant man is "one in a million." He is kind, thoughtful, understanding — in fact there just are not enough words to describe him completely.

Maybe you, like many other people, are wondering what drive, what inner courage keeps him going? It is all because of his unabounding kindness and thoughtfulness towards those less fortunate than he.

He worries more, cares more, for his students than for himself. If a pupil desires to play an instrument, and that pupil has not got the money to buy it, Mr. McMurdo himself will buy it for him. If it gives satisfaction and enjoyment to that student, Mr. McMurdo is grateful. He is the kind of man who realizes the chances he did, and the chances he didn't have when he was a young lad. Whenever the occasion arises where he can help, he does so, always with the great unselfishness so characteristic of this remarkable man.

Although much is heard about Mr. McMurdo and the Band, little is heard about Mr. McMurdo's life. He was born, as almost everyone knows, in Scotland. He grew up with a rich musical heritage, being an accomplished violinist at the age of fifteen. When at the age of sixteen, he conducted his first Symphony Orchestra. This is a feat, I think, unequalled by very few people in music circles today. He has certificates, of which very few people ever hear or see, that would do any musician in any field honorable credit. Among his many certificates, are two from the London Music Festival in London, England, classifying him as a "violinist extraordinary." Also Mr. McMurdo has the honor of being acclaimed one of the three best violinists in Canada.

Many instances, too numerous to mention, could be brought out to show what a talented personage we have in Mr. McMurdo. Kamloops had never been so fortunate as when they enrolled Mr. McMurdo as the music teacher in the High School. But please don't think his job is just teaching during the day, then taking it easy for the rest of the time. Far from It! He conducts the Legion Symphony Orchestra, the High School Band and the City of Kamloops Elks Band. Then his music classes during the day, with special private tutoring on Saturdays, with two bands and one orchestra practice a week and now the special band practices on Sunday, keep him so occupied that he has no time for rest and sleep. Think of the patience he has! Truely he has a heart of gold! He is a tremendous man, taking his setbacks and disheartments with a smile, always looking at the better side of his problems. Think! that if you had to teach about four hundred students a day all year round, plus all his other organizations, how much a strain it would be on your mind and today, especially when Mr. McMurdo is not very healthy. Yet this one person has virtually hand formed the students of Kamloops High School into one vast musical congregation.

One last instance I would like to mention is the great amount of work Mr. McMurdo went to when the Old High School was on the shift system. Twice a week for two hours, Mr. McMurdo would give up his leisure time and rest to teach the students who were unfortunate enough not to be able to attend music classes during school hours. He helped and encouraged these students and it was just part of his extreme kindness to the students. Now, if that does not cause a thought of kindness and thankfulness to be raised in your mind, then nothing ever will.

This brings us to the present time when Kamloops and its Citizenry have the chance to bring world renown and honor to the city and the members of the High School Band. Because of Mr. McMurdo's untiring efforts, the Band has become so well known that this year they were invited to compete in the World Music Festival at Kerkrade, Holland. Now this is probably old news to everyone but somehow, very few people realize its full significance. It means a chance in a lifetime, an opportunity not to be pushed around, but one to be looked upon with the greatest feeling of awe and thanks. Can anyone possibly think of a better, more suitable way to honor Mr. McMurdo than by sending him and his band to Europe? I think not! When the Band won the competition at Waterloo, it was thought at the time that this was the best; the highlight of the Band's climb to fame. But it was not. Unknowingly at the time, it was a buildup to world recognition. It was somehow, inevitable that such a man with such brilliantly trained students, would eventually tread the uppermost heights in the musical world. Now I just mentioned that Mr. McMurdo's students were brilliantly trained. This is no understatement. For the amount of work of teaching the students that Mr. McMurdo puts in, and for the amount of time he has to teach them, it is remarkable what a fine group of musicians he has moulded together to comprise his Band. With all his time and patient work, his silent worries, his unknown illnesses, his numerous setbacks, he has at last almost fulfilled his wildest dreams. Only time will prove this man’s ability to take a group of students, to teach them and mould them into a Band of world renown.

Till now, I have only mentioned Mr. McMurdo and the Band. I have not yet mentioned a person whom almost everybody fails to notice or her about entirely. That person is Mrs. McMurdo. Few people know of the many times she has nursed Mr. McMurdo through long and serious illnesses, through many disheartening setbacks that would be sad enough to break the ambition of any man. She is an ideal wife, one who knows what will be needed next, and what to do for it. If it were not for his wonderful wife, Mr. McMurdo might not be the outstanding personage he is today.

Click for larger view

First Row: Vicky Martin, Donna Morse, Mitsuo Goto, Mickey Bafia, Sam Aura, Kiyo Kawata, Leona Richmond, Kay Strong, Jennie Yuskiw, Mary Ann Ellis, Donna Chapman, Kiyoko Own, Ethel Collins, Marilyn Bedard, Stoney Oishi, Bill Gurney, Paul Tennant, Allan Cole, David Wing.

Second Row: Bill Jones, Gloria Allern, Barbara Howard, Doug Shellard, Tahashi Kitamura, Coleen Long, Joan Ellis, Rae McMorran, Marilyn McLellan, Maurice Lambert, Ted Lewall, Gordon Gutrath, Den Burnham, Gordon Miyahara, Laurie Day.

Third Row: Stan Hlatky, Bob Macdonald, Carol Jones, Donna Mark, Frances Woodward, Dianna Martin, Jacqua Howard, Glenda Lamb, Gordon Blackwell, Dick Knowles, Torn Miyahara, Larry Humphrey, Frank Clark, Doug Takahashi, Andre Loewen, Blake Gordon, Lloyd Johnson.

Fourth Row: Ron Lister, Aria Chamberlain, Ben Hirowatari, Gerry Scott, David Kuromi, Mike Yamamoto, Larry Grant, Ted Miller, Dick Woo, Pat Throughgood, Sidney Roger, Johnston Pinchback, Read English, Suyeki Yoshida, Bob Wanless, Alex Drdul.

Fifth Row: Allen Fisher, Iris Sargent, Helen Hayward, Jo Hasler, Edna Uyeda, Mr. McMurdo, Elinor Humphtey, Truth Savage, Elinor Parenteau, Gen Antoniak, Les Davoren.

Sixth Row: Bill Stevens, Bob Young, John Williams, George Horner, James Brennan.

Band to Holland
Click for larger view

Front row, left to right: Vicky Martin (flute), Ron Lister (trumpet), Barbara Howard (oboe), Mickey Bafia (clarinet), Donna Morse (flute), Bill Gurney (clarinet), Kay Strong (clarinet), Gordie Miyahara (clarinet), Jenie Yuskiw (clarinet), Allan Cole (clarinet), Leona Richmond (clarinet), Mits Goto (clarinet), Coleene Long (tenor saxophone), Bob Wanless (trumpet), Rae McMorran (alto saxophone), Larry Humphrey (alto saxophone), Gloria Allen (bassoon)

Second row, left to right: Archie (A. Nelson) McMurdo, band master, Peggy McMurdo, girls chaperone, Suyeki Yoshida (trumpet), Glenda Lamb (trombone), Read English (trumpet), Jacqua Howard (trombone), John Williams (drums), Carol Jones (trombone), Ted Millar (trumpet), Helen Hayward (bass viol and flag bearer), Doug Takahashi (tenor saxophone), Truth Savage (bass viol and flag bearer), Laurie Day ( French horn), Deanna Martin (trombone), Gerry Scott (trumpet), Bill Jones (French horn), Kio Kawata (clarinet), Dorothy McMurdo (band nurse and girls' chaperone), Jock Morse (band manager and boys' chaperone)

Top row, left to right: Dick Knowles (euphonium), Art Jeffery (baritone saxophone), Franklin Arthur (trumpet), Larry Grant (trumpet), Stoney Oishi (clarinet), Lloyd Johnson (euphonium), Bob Young (drums), Johnston Pinchback (trumpet), Allan Fisher (bass horn), Walter Massey (drums), John McLeod (bass horn), Ralph Collins (bass horn), Alex Drdul (trumpet), Les Davoren (bass horn), David Wing (clarinet), Gordon Blackwell (trombone), Dennis Burnham (clarinet)

Missing: Mary Ann Ellis (clarinet), Joan Ellis (horn), Marilyn McLellen ( French horn)
Red Devils
Left to right: Front Row: Jim Teteshi, Ian Fraser, Laurie Day, manager; Chuck Gleave, Bob Boyd.

Back Row: Ted Hanson, captain; Bob Macdonald, Bob Cale, co-captain; Burce Verchere, Ken Lynons, Ron Hoover.

Mr. Nick Turlick, coach.

In this, their first year as accepted members of Okanagan Valley Basketball League, the Red Devils distinguished themselves admirably. Only two official games were lost in the eight game schedule against Penticton, Vernon, Kelowna and Oliver. Penticton won by three points here in Kamloops and the Red Devils were defeated by one point at Vernon, thus putting them in second place in league standings. Osoyoos challenged the Red Devils for the right to compete in the B.C. High School Tournament and were defeated by ten points in a two game total point series.

At Vancouver the Red Devils lost two games and won one to gain eleventh place in the sixteen team tournament. The Red Devils showing was disappointing in that they looked strong enough to at least attain eighth place. Jim Tateishi and Bob Gale were our outstanding players at Vancouver.

The team as a whole worked hard, played well and felt that the season was a success. Team members were Bob Gale, Bob MacDonald, Ted Hansen, Bob Boyd, Jim Tateishi, Ken Lyons, Ron Hoover, Bruce Verchere, Chuck Gleave, Ian Fraser, Laurie Day (manager).
Red Angels
Left to Right: Barbara Stephens, manager; Gloria Allen, Pat Tucher, Mary Linnell, Nori Goto, Sumiye Yamada, Ruth Stockstad, Jessie Chalmers, Ethel Fowles, captain; Miss Loise Withers, coach.

Missing: Margo Kenward.

This year the Red Angels had a nicely organized and well coached team. The team consisted of Gloria Allen, centre; Jess Chalmers, forward; Nori Goto, guard; Sumiye Yamada, forward; Ethel Fowles, forward; Ruth Stokstad, guard; Margo Kenward, centre; Mary Linnell, guard; Pat Tucker, forward; Norah Brennan, guard; Stella Camp, forward. Norah and Stella didn't play the entire season.

The Angels won all games against Vernon, Kelowna, Oliver, Penticton and Williams Lake, but lost out in the "two-game total-point" against Summerland. They lost the first game in Summerland 37-20 because of a lack of substitutes; won the second on home floor 40-25; but Summerland won out by two points.

Many thanks to our coach, Miss Withers, for her wonderful job and patience which moulded us into a winning team.
Camera Club
K.H.S. Cheer Squad
The Cheerleaders of 1953-54 began the Fall term with much zeal and many plans. There were 10 girls at the first meeting at which new uniforms were chosen and practice days decided on. New cheers were soon made up and a great deal of practice was put into perfecting them. By the middle of the term there were only seven girls left but two boys had been added to the group.

The girls and boys cheered for all the Red Devil and Red Angel basketball games this year. Several trips were made with the basketball teams to Vernon, Kelowna, Oliver and Penticton. These trips and the fact that all the girls' games and most of the boys' games were won made the long practices seem worthwhile.

One of the new cheers was much in demand. This was called the "Wig Walk" and enacted out the popular "Tennessee Wig Walk." The girls were terrified and felt slightly silly at the first Performance before the home crowd. However it went off so well it became a favorite and soon visiting towns were asking to see the "Kamloops Wig Walk."

I think that even with the hard work and stiff muscles we had a lot of fun this year. I hope next year's cheerleaders can find as much enjoyment as we did in cheering their teams on to victory.
K.H.S. Choir '53 - '54
J. Madill, S. Fiddik, M. Nelson, M. Churchill, P. Singh, J. Nesbitt, E. McAIIister, N. Peters, P, Cowan, B. Bird, P Smart, J. Smith, V. CarIson, M. Doozda, D. Martin, E. Sands, B. Norvak, V. Wiren, D. Bradshaw, M. Smyth, A. Weldrake, M. Archimbault, S. Mohammed Ali, M. Wilcox, D. Stahl, M. Kobayashi, J. Burman, R. Emmington, C. Seevers, M. Serizawa, M. Barker, M. Klinck, S. Abrahaw, B. Bertoli, E. Bowman, C. Chartier, B. Cocks, T. Yamada, E. Fehr, E. Jongerhuis, T. Fleming, C. Haines, A. Schimpf, J. Nuttall-Smith, S. Zwarich.

The K.H.S. Choir, under the tutorship of Miss K. Lawrence, acquired the highest marks of the night in the Yale-Cariboo Festival. This festival was held in the K.H.S. gymnasium, Wednesday, April 7, 1954. Two members of this same choir received the highest marks in the duet songs, topping all other contestants of that group. The awards received by the choir were a shield and a cup.
Dustpan Staff
Inter-House Champs
Soccer — Davis
Fulton "A" Basketball
Bantam Girls
Pearce "C" Basketball
Davis "A" Basketball
Pearse "B" Basketball
Pearce "B" Volleyball
Pearce "A" Volleyball
Fee "A" Volleyball
Soccer — Pearse
Fee "B" Volleyball
Inter School Christian Fellowship
Junior High Paper
The Badminton Report
The High School Badminton Club closes another year of Thursday night bird pushing. The club's president this year was Jack Denny, our vice-president was Laurie Day, and the secretary-treasurer was Chas Taylor. Our club was sponsored by Mr. Richards, who by the way, did a wonderful job.

The membership in the early part of the year was so great that it was necessary to form a senior club which met on Saturday mornings. There were 35-40 members of the club.

We played host to the Salmon Arm club for a tournament early in '54. At the end of February some of our members ventured to Salmon Arm for the North Okanagan tournament in which we gained only experience as the majority of prizes and trophies went to the Kelowna club.

So end the activities of the Badminton Club for this year.
Kamloops High School Track Meet
In the annual House Track Meet held at Kamloops High School last Friday Pearse House came out on top with 59 1/2 points. Davis House came second in the afternoon long meet with 43 1/2 points. Third place was taken by Fulton House with 41 points while Fee house held the cellar position with 26 points. The complete list of results are listed below.

  • Girls' Softball Throw — Gwen Cook, 1; Anne Cooper, 2; Marilyn Hanna, 3.

  • Boys' High Jump — Gordon Tansley, 1; Bob Gannon, 2; Tom Ferguson, 3.

  • Girls' 75-Yard Dash — Louise Burman, 1; Jean Hutchinson, 2; Jean Lukaz, 3.

  • Boys' Softball Throw — G. Tansley, 1; John McMillan, 2; Roy Palmer, 3.

  • Girls' High Jump — Louise Burman, 1; Hilda Braithwaite, 2; Irene Romanczk, 3.

  • Boys' 75-Yard Dash — Don McMillan, 1; Bob Gannon, 2; R. Ferguson, 3.

  • Boys' Broad Jump — Bob Gannon, 1; J. McMillan 2,

  • Girls' 220-Yard Relay — Tomi Yamada, Louise Burman, Joanne Cooper, Shirley Hazyk, 1; Joan Moore, Sumiko Wakabayashi, Deanna Warsimage, Marion Fowles, 2; Marian Dunlop, Jean Lukaz, Barbara Cox, Hilda Braithwaite, 3.

  • Boys' 220-Yard Relay — John McMillan, Mike Matonovich, Ernie Tava, Jim Saklofsky, 1; Tom Ferguson, Roger Marriott, Bill Richmond, Bob Gannon, 2.

  • Boys' 100-Yard Dash — John Brennan, 1; Gerry Robinson, 2; Ted Poelma,3.

  • Girls' 100-Yard Dash — Suimiye Yamada, 1; Eleanor Humphrey, 2.

  • Boys' Broad Jump — Ray Wallace, 1; Dave Kuromi, 2; John Brennan, 3.

  • Girls' Discus — Donna Robert, 1; Eleanor Hewlett, 2; Margo Kenward and Bertha Katarius tie for 3.

  • Boys' 220-Yard Dash — Ted Hansen, 1; James Brennan, 2; Ben Hirowatari, 3.

  • Girls' 60-Yard Dash — Ethel Fowles, 1; Janice Thornley, 2; Betty Taylor, 3.

  • Boys' Shot-Put Open — George Tateishi, 1; Shig Tatsumi,2; Red Armstrong, 3.

  • Girls' Broad Jump — D. Roberge, 1; Barrie Fleming, 2; Eleanor Humphrey, 3.

  • Boys' 880-Yard Dash — Ted Poelma, 1; Shig Tatsumi, 2.

  • Girls' 440-Yard Relay — Betty Taylor, Joan Piper, Eleanor Humphrey, Charlotte Taylor, 1; Ethel Fowles, Puro Singh, Sumiye Yamada, Eleanor Hewlett, 2; Mary King, Frances Chocalacek, Thelma Wakabayashi, Dorothy Boyd, 3.

  • Boys' High Jump — Jim Strasman, 1; Don Tretheway, 2; Gordon Gutrath, 3;

  • Girls' Softball Throw — Ethel Fowles, 1; Marilyn Nelson, 2; Jessie Chalmers 3.

  • Boys' Discus — Dale Fiddick, 1; Jack Long, 2; Bob Burns, 3.

  • Boys' 440-Yard Relay — John Brennan, Shig Tatsumi, Ted Hansen, Jim Strasman, 1; Yarmoskuk, Edy Wallace, Don Trethewey, 2; J. Brennan, Ed Strasman, D. Kuromi, Gerry Robinson, 3.

  • Girls' High Jump — Abdru Loewen, 1; Eleanor Higham, 2; Frances Chocalacek, 3;

  • Boys Low Hurdles Open — Ted Hansen, 1; T. Poelma, 2; Dave Smythe, 3;

  • Girls' Low Hurdles Open — Shirley Meldrum, 1; Ethel Fowles, 2; Frances Chocalacek, 3.

Girls Officials Club
The Girls' Officials Club was again sponsored by Miss Withers. This club is made up of a sports rep. from each house (both Jr. and Sr.) and two other members. It is their duty to officiate at the various house league games. Margo Kenward was chosen as President, this year and the other members of the club are Ethel Fowles, Betty Doney, Sumi Yamada, Nori Goto, Deanna Warsimage, Bonnie Cowen, Mona Boudier, Barb Howard, Borthy Boyd, Ruth Stockstad, Jess Chalmers, Maureen Schollen, Barb Stephens.
This past year has been the most successful year the Curling Club has ever had. The club membership is approximately forty, which includes Junior and Senior High. Carmen Smith is president, Ann Oldfield vice-president; Allan Louie secretary, and John Hilliker, treasurer; Art Jeffreys, bonspiel manager.

Miss Turner, Mr. Brackenberry, and Mr. Cunningham, the sponsors, have been a great asset to the club. Curling takes place every Saturday morning in the Curling Rink.

Two teams of boys travelled to Trail to compete in the B.C. Bonspiel and put on an excellent show. Gerry Richardson's rink won one of the events. This year the girls formed a separate club and affiliated with the B.C. Ladies' Curling Association which enables the girls to gains experience. A rink, skipped by Barb Howard, travelled to Vernon to compete in the B.C. Ladies zone playdowns. The club champions this year were Carmen Smith's rink who won the Beaton Memorial Trophy. The biggest event of the Curling Club was the Invitational Mixed Bonspiel which turned out a great success and we hope to have a bigger and better one next year.
Boys Officials Club
The Boys' Officials Club started with a "Bang" when Mr. Turick, our sponsor, called a meeting to nominate a president and secretary. Bill Gurney was secretary and Dave Heron was president. The boys' officals club has many active members. All our members referee Basketball, Soccer, Volleyball, and Softball. On behalf of the club we would like to extend our thanks to Mr. Turick for his wonderful support. Those in the club are: Ted Hansen, Bob Boyd, Chuck Gleave, Ron Hoover, Ken Lyons, Bob MacDonald, Jim Tatieshi, Bruce Verchere, John Glowaki, John Q. Brennan, James Brennan, Rose Lenard, Bill Smeaton, Wally Smeaton, Jack Denny.
Bowling Club
The bowling club came into being for the first time this year. The club was divided into teams and they played every Thursday afternoon at the Bowladrome. John Howshowski was president. A bowling tournament was held at the end of the season to decide the club "champs." If this year is any example of the coming year in the bowling club we're sure that bowling will become one of the favorite sports in the school.
Square Dance Club
The Square Dance Club was formed last October under the sponsorship of Miss MacDonald and Mr. Ayling and now has approximately 25 members. The club meets in the Cafeteria every Tuesday afternoon. This club has done well for itself this year, and should continue to do so, if this year is any indication. A demonstration square with a caller, travelled to the O.M.T.T.A. Square Dance Festival at Armstrong and won second place at the Yale-Cariboo Music Festival, won third place which is very good for a brand-new club.
United Nations Club
This is a newly organized group. Its sponsors are Mr. Oldham and Miss Bradley. The officers are: President, Iris Young; Vice-President, Patsy Atkins; Secretary, Bob Edgar; Treasurer, Anne Madill; Publicity, Greta Fultsback. Through the U.N. study group knowledge of the affairs of the United Nations and world conditions is gained and this knowledge is applied to the lives of each member in hope that they will be better citizens of tomorrow and endeavor to establish peace with justice throughout the world. In the late summer there is to be a conference held at U.B.C., at which we hope to have a representative there to take part in the discussions and other activities.
Y-Teen Group
The Girls' Y-Teen Club has completed another year with the election of officers and the graduation ceremonies.

This year's executive consisted of: President, Shirley Page; Vice-President, Patsy Adkins; Secretary, Gail Martin; Treasurer, Mary King; and Sponsor, Miss McArthur.

The year started off with a bang and a rushing campaign for preppers. After the initiation, plans were made for the Fall Conference which was held in our high school at the end of October. Delegates came from Kimberley, Kelowna, Prince George and Penticton. The conference was voted highly successful. Early in November the Recognition Service was held in St. Paul's Cathedral Church as part of the evening service,

During November and December the club sponsored a "Kits for Korea" Campaign in which several items were collected by the different houses. The winner of the successful campaign was Fulton House. Other events were the Christmas Assembly, a progressive dinner, several candy sales, the sale of high school pennants and coat checking at the dances. During January and February the girls supplied tea for the teachers once a week for a small sum to aid the girls attending the Annual Mid-Winter Conference in Vancouver. This year's delegates were Myrtle Demque and Eleanor Hewlett.

The club is handling the concessions at the Interior School track meet and it is hoped that enough money will be obtained to send the new president and vice-president to Presidents Training Camp in late June, This training camp will be held at Camp Fircom on Bambire Island. These camps are held every year to aid the president and vice-president in making the next year's club better than ever.
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